Contact Us

Thank you for your inquiry.
Your ideas, and any thoughts behind them will help us give you a more accurate answer.
We would appreciate if you can answer the following questions with as much detail as you feel comfortable sharing. 

・If you have already decided on a concept or a certain format, please let us know briefly why you decided on that format. 
(Ex.) I want to make a circular-form book. This is because I want to create an introductory pamphlet for my company based on the concept of “valuing harmony.”

・If you have not had previous experience working with printing or book binding industries, please let us know without hesitation so that we can prepare a support structure accordingly. 

Don’t worry if you do not have a clear image of the product when you contact us. 
Even small ideas or thoughts can give us hints for the production. Please feel free to let us know. 

Items with an asterisk (*) are required items.

